Advocating For Victims Of Sports And Entertainment Malpractice
Professional athletes and entertainers routinely rely on agents and attorneys for effective representation. When these agents act inappropriately and fail to put their clients’ interests first, this reliance can have negative consequences.
At the Florida legal negligence lawsuit law firm of St. Denis & Davey, we represent sports and entertainment professionals who have been harmed as the result of misrepresentation by their attorneys or agents.
Disclosure Is Key
An attorney is expected to provide vigorous advocacy on behalf of each client. When one attorney has two clients with conflicting interests, or personal interests conflicting with those of a client, the presumption is that the attorney will be unable to fully protect the rights of each client.
Accordingly, attorneys are encouraged to avoid conflicts of interest and to disclose such conflicts when they exist. In principle, this is a straightforward matter, but in practice, it can be quite complicated, particularly in the areas of sports and entertainment law.
Addressing Conflicts Of Interests In Sports Law
In the sports law arena, clients may have conflicting interests anytime one attorney is representing multiple players on the same team or multiple players in the same position.
For example, most professional sports teams have salary caps. If an attorney negotiates a great deal for one player on a professional football team, another player may be required to take a salary cut or leave the team.
Alternatively, if an attorney negotiates a deal for a point guard with one professional basketball team, the attorney may lose an opportunity to obtain a similar contract for another point guard. If both point guards are clients, this may amount to a breach of fiduciary duty or conflict of interest.
How Conflicts Of Interest Occur In Entertainment Law
In the entertainment arena, two clients may have conflicting interests if an attorney represents more than one member of a band. The lead singer of a band and a bass guitarist do not necessarily have the same interests or concerns. When representing both, an attorney may sacrifice one client’s interests on behalf of another’s. When lawyers fail to avoid these kinds of conflicts of interest, clients can suffer serious financial harm.
Call Us To Discuss Your Case
If you have been injured as a result of an attorney’s negligence or intentional wrongdoing, or by decisions made by your agent or other hired professionals, we can help you. Call us at 1-800-785-2153. You can also email our law firm to schedule a confidential consultation with an experienced attorney.