Failing To Properly Investigate And Perform Discovery
Has your Florida lawyer’s failure to investigate your case properly before proceeding with your legal claim, and failure to perform discovery on the matter, had a devastating impact on your legal and financial position? In other words, have you lost your case because of your attorney’s mistakes?
It may not be too late to achieve justice with the help of our experienced, aggressive legal malpractice attorneys at St. Denis & Davey in North Florida and South Florida. In North Florida, we serve clients in cities such as Jacksonville, Orlando, Tampa, St. Petersburg, Tallahassee, Panama City and Pensacola. In South Florida, we serve Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Fort Myers and Naples. If you’ve been victimized by poor or unethical legal representation, we hold lawyers accountable.
Holding Lawyers Accountable For Failing To Investigate
Discovery is an important part of any legal matter. A lawyer has a duty to investigate the facts of your case, and ask the right questions of opposing counsel. A failure to conduct an investigation or adequate discovery can have devastating results, for example:
- In a divorce case, if your lawyer doesn’t follow up on the discovery obtained from the other side, you might not have been able to learn everything you need to know about your former spouse’s income and assets. This could result in settling for a smaller amount of money to resolve the spousal support issue in your divorce.
- In a personal injury case, if an ignored or overlooked witness, with knowledge that could’ve helped your side of the story, was left out of the trial, your case suffers. Because of your lawyer’s lack of diligence, you could potentially settle your case for a pittance or the jury could rule against your claims.
- In other cases, perhaps a lawyer doesn’t uncover certain facts that could help your interests. You could be rushed to a settlement that’s not in your best interest because your counsel failed to learn the important facts.
Many of these errors, intentional or not, constitute a breach of fiduciary duty to you. When a lawyer makes mistakes, they owe their client an immediate explanation. If you didn’t get an explanation, or you think that your lawyer was negligent in researching and investigating your case, it might not be too late for you to get the justice you deserve.
Consult A Legal Malpractice Lawyer Today
Our law firm stands up for your rights and interests by filing a legal malpractice claim against your former attorney. We work hard to make things right for clients in all areas of legal malpractice. Call us at 1-800-785-2153 or send us an email to tell us your story and let us evaluate your potential case.