Did Your Lawyer Fail To Inform You Of A Settlement Offer?
When a case is not settled properly, it could be considered an improper settlement and evidence of legal malpractice. At St. Denis & Davey in North Florida and South Florida, we fight on behalf of our clients who have suffered due to an attorney’s negligence. At our experienced statewide Florida law firm, we hold lawyers accountable. We serve North Florida clients in Jacksonville, Orlando, Tampa, St. Petersburg, Tallahassee, Panama City and Pensacola; we also serve South Florida clients in Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Fort Myers and Naples.
What Are An Attorney’s Obligations In A Settlement?
Attorneys have an obligation to inform you, the client, of any and all opportunities to settle your legal matter. Many times, a lawyer will refrain from informing a client of opportunities to settle because it’s not in the lawyer’s best interest. A lawyer may have a lot of time invested in the case and fears that he or she wouldn’t get adequate compensation from a minimal settlement. The client winds up uninformed, forcing the case to go forward.
This is attorney misconduct and it is not permitted. Lawyers must put clients’ interests ahead of their own or they are in breach of fiduciary duties and could be considered guilty of legal malpractice. If your attorney, in Florida or nationally, failed to inform you of a settlement offer, our aggressive legal malpractice attorneys want to hear about it. We will aggressively seek compensation for you, for all of the financial losses that resulted.
When Is A Legal Settlement A Disadvantage?
There are many situations where it might not be in your best interests to settle your case. Some of these situations include:
- Settling your case without you knowing of or authorizing the settlement
- Settling your case prematurely when that is not in your best interest
- Forcing you to settle against your judgment or wishes
- Failing to inform you of important developments in your case that could affect a settlement
- Getting your case to reach a settlement in order to cover up a mistake by your lawyer
Sometimes, a lawyer may be aware that he has mishandled your case and committed malpractice. In an effort to avoid admitting the mistake, your lawyer might want to resolve the case hastily so that the mistake goes unnoticed.
When lawyers or law firms take on more work than they can handle, mistakes can happen. Certain defendants may not be sued in a timely manner, and statutes of limitations run. Perhaps, the attorney realizes their mistake and encourages a client to settle to avoid the mistake being noticed. An attorney may even go so far as to accept a settlement on behalf of a client without permission to do so.
Consult An Attorney Today
If you suspect that your case was improperly settled, contact us by calling 1-800-785-2153. You can also email the firm to schedule an appointment. You can still achieve justice, and we can help.