Florida Malpractice Attorneys Holding Attorney-Doctor Relationships Accountable
When you hire an attorney, you expect that they will be committed to advocating for you and only you. At St. Denis & Davey, P.A., we take that expectation seriously. Any attorney who brings a conflict of interest into a case is compromising your chance at justice.
Attorney-doctor relationships are a prime example of a conflict of interest. We have offices in Jacksonville, Miami, Panama City and Tampa, but we represent victims of such conflicts across the state.
The Risk Of An Attorney-Doctor Relationship
If you’ve been injured and are looking for representation, it might be a relief to find an attorney who can also connect you with a doctor. To be fair, we’re not implying that that alone is where matters go wrong. Issues can arise when that attorney chooses their professional relationship over you.
Let’s say that your medical bills are more than your recovery and/or a significant portion of your recovery. Your expectation is that your attorney can significantly negotiate those bills. However, some attorneys may decline or make excuses, hiding that they are more interested in staying in good standing with the doctor who treated you. This may be a denial of fair and full undivided loyalty and representation, and we at St. Denis & Davey, P.A., wish more people knew that.
We’re Not Afraid To Take On Other Lawyers
While you may find law firms that shrink away at this idea, St. Denis & Davey, P.A., is not that firm. No one is above accountability, and legal malpractice is a serious issue. Your chance at justice should not have been spoiled by the very person who was supposed to be fighting for you. It’s our mission to seek justice for your injustice.
Give Us A Call, We Want To Help
Attorney-doctor relationships are a key example of conflicts of interest, but the list goes on. If you are a victim of this kind of legal malpractice, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. At St. Denis & Davey, P.A., we know how discouraged you must feel, and we want to help. Feel free to call us or contact us through our online form.