Finding competent legal assistance is a must when you’re faced with a pressing issue. Along with knowledge of the law, attorneys should also have a good grasp of electronic communication, including email, when conversing with clients. Unfortunately, some attorneys make a range of mistakes when using email, and some of these mistakes can jeopardize their clients’ success when it comes to litigation. The Balance explains some of the more common email mistakes lawyers make and how they can be avoided, which benefits all involved parties.
Taking too long to respond
Timeliness is a must when it comes to legal matters. Consider the statute of limitations, which says that a person has only so long to take legal action or their claim will become null and void. Even if you have years to file a claim, it’s still important that an attorney responds to you in an expedient manner. Even if further research is necessary to ask a question, an attorney should at least respond to tell the person they’ve received the email and are working on an answer. It can be nerve-wracking waiting for an attorney’s response, especially when it comes to pressing matters.
Sending emails to the wrong person
Sending emails to the wrong person looks unprofessional, but in some cases, it can actually derail a case altogether. Consider what might happen if an email containing sensitive information is sent to the opposing counsel? This might result in you losing a case, which can have severe and costly consequences. It may also lead to a legal malpractice suit against the law firm in question.
Sending angry responses
Lawyers must remain composed at all times. While the profession is adversarial by nature, sending an angry email rarely makes a situation better. In fact, it can affect a case negatively if the email is construed as threatening or combative. An attorney must have a professional demeanor in and out of court, especially when communicating with other lawyers.