When you invest in an attorney in Florida, you expect him or her to do everything in his or her power to ensure the best possible outcome for your case or claim. Moreover, you expect him or her to act only in your best interests and to refrain from activity that could hurt your case, finances or reputation. Unfortunately, what you expect is not always what you get. Some attorneys act in ways that suggest a conflict of interest, negligence or flat-out intentional wrongdoing. If your attorney acts in any such way, he or she may be guilty of legal malpractice. FindLaw details signs this is the case.
One sign of legal malpractice is lack of communication. In today’s modern world in which cell phones, computers and laptops are almost always readily available, there is no reason for why you should not be able to get ahold of your attorney when necessary. If your lawyer repeatedly ignores or fails to return your phone calls, emails or text messages, he or she may be in violation of his or her ethical responsibility of communication.
Attorneys have an ethical responsibility to be honest and upfront with their clients at all times. Moreover, attorneys must be able to perform their role as legal advisors at a certain level of confidence. If your lawyer demonstrates incompetency, it may be a sign he or she misled you at the beginning of your relationship. If you feel as if your lawyer is dishonest or misleading in any way, you may wish to contact the authorities.
If you feel as if your attorney is inadequate as a lawyer or that he or she is not dedicating the appropriate amount of time or attention to your case, it may be in your best interests to obtain a second opinion. Though every attorney has his or her own way of handling a case, there are certain actions or inactions that scream outright case neglect.
Finally, if your lawyer’s bill does not contain an itemized accounting of the time he or she dedicated to your case, ask him or her to write one up before paying. If your attorney refuses to provide such an account, consult with a legal malpractice lawyer.
The information in this article is for your educational purposes only. It should not be construed as legal advice.