Whether it’s concerning a criminal or civil case, securing quality legal counsel is hugely important. While most attorneys working today strive to do the best for their clients, the unfortunate fact remains that some lawyers are simply not up to par. To help you obtain the best legal guidance possible, The Balance offers the following advice.
Issues with an attorney’s office
The state of an attorney’s office can say a lot about his or her ability. Be on the lookout for unopened mail, leftover filing, general disorder, clutter, and neglected repairs. Also, watch out for a lot of empty spaces within an office. This may indicate a whole host of issues, from high turnover rates to behind-the-scenes financial problems.
Staffing problems
You should also pay attention to the staff assisting your attorney. Do they seem frustrated or disgruntled by their workload? Are interactions between your attorney and staff terse and dripping with disdain? This could be an indication of how an attorney interacts in general, which could hamper your case. In the event an attorney has little staff to assist him or her, it may be due to financial problems, such an inability to pay staff as required.
Communication woes
It’s natural for clients to be in continuous contact with their attorneys when a case is ongoing. In this instance, having multiple methods of contact is crucial. You should be able to easily reach your attorney via email or by phone, and any messages left should be returned promptly. If a lawyer fails to do so, it could be due to lack of organization, which can spell disaster once your case is underway. Also, consider that prompt action is crucial when it comes to court deadlines.